Tuesday, March 11, 2008

How I discovered the world of sculpture through 4 mediums

This blog is about the various sculpture mediums -Rock, Paper, Scissors(bronze) and clay that I have utilized over the years.
First, how it all started. It started with paper. It was the work of paper sculptor Ajin Noda in the Magazine How that first inspired me to create 3 Dimensional works in paper. Using Mi-tientes paper, Elmers glue and scissors, I created various paper sculptures. Some of them were created
as illustrations. The one shown here was created for Presbyterian publication aimed at young people. It illustrated an article about youths and spirituality. The art director on the project was Kevin Darst. It was photographed by Geoff Carr.

The trouble with paper sculpture is that it is enormously time consuming and very fragile. It must be protected from moisture and dirt. I spent years doing paper sculpture until I discovered Rock.

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