We had trouble with the water and needed it to be fixed, so I can work out the water level on the otter and the sculptures can be power washed before the show. There's Don's guiding hand telling BJ and Mike from J.B. Bennet Plumbing what they need to do. ( ...like they need guidance..)

Here is the otter basin filled with water. I am making cuts down the sides of the piece, as I felt the sides were a bit boring....

We've had a bit too much rain; this is a neighbor's farm that is flooded. The Ohio river is behind him, so right now his place is an island. But, he has a boat and his brother and sister-in-law live right next door.

Another view of his farm from his brother's property.

Another view of the flooded Ohio river. The trees on the far side are in Indiana.

The water has come across our road about 2 miles from the house. If we want to go to Hardinsburg, we'll have to take the long way around. This is another neighbor driving through the flood waters. The man's name (aptly so) -is Phillip Flood. (I can't make this stuff up).

Our property is going under water..

The waterfowl like it. This pic was taken from the front yard before he sunk below the water. I think it is a Grebe.

This is a buttercup under the flood waters, yet it continues to bloom....

Eddie is not happy about his land going under water. But, we've got plenty of hay for him and the other two donkeys to eat until the flood subsides.

But, the water is still rising, forecast to rise another 2 feet. If it does, it will be too deep to drive through. We will have to move the car over to a neighbor's before it gets too high. Then, we'll have to canoe or wade to go any place.

The waters are starting to take out the bridge at the corner of the property.....