Monday, April 2, 2012

Adding thin feathers to Heron, Flight sculpture at the foundry Don's bench installed and another Opossum rescue

For the long feathers, mainly upon it's breast, I roll out thin strips of clay.

I attach them to the bird and use a soldering iron to make a clean connection to the body. These feathers are on the heron's back. I will come back with a loop tool to clean up the melted area left by the soldering iron.

I also use a metal tool to fill the area between the feather and the body. Otherwise the tiny undercut will be an area where the mold will catch and tear.

I start filling in the breast with tiny thin feathers. This is the most fun part of the sculpture.
I really like the texture of these feathers and how they contrast with the rest of the surface. It's a bit tedious having to attach each separate feather and then go back and smooth around each one, but I think it will be worth it in the end.

I apply the feathers sparingly over the breast area. I will come back with additional feathers and then smooth them with a soldering iron and wax tool.

I have to consider the sculpture from this angle as it will be over 6 feet up in the air and the primary view will be from underneath.

The heron with feathers across it's breast, it just needs a bit more tweaking...

Flight, a sculpture you may have seen receiving a mold in a much earlier post is now in wax at a nearby foundry. It will be cast in several sections, then welded together.

The hands will be cast separate from the main sculpture. Nick, who works at the foundry, chases the hands of Flight.

The hands of the original wax of Flight are removed so that the new hands can be fitted to the sculpture. The sculpture will then be dipped in a ceramic slurry and cast in bronze. I will return to the foundry when it will be welded back together.

Don installed a bench recently. Derrick Sheroan of JBB inc. operated the crane.

The bench is not that large but the 74 foot distance (the man standing at the far left of the photo is where the bench will be) makes the 23 ton crane essential. An installation with this kind of reach requires a consummate operator and Derrick is one of the best.

The bench glides into place....

The bench installed...

We found a mother opossum hit on the road and took the two surviving babies to Monica Wilcox at Woodland Wildlife in Radcliff, KY.

She has a number of animals she is helping to recuperate, including this hummingbird. Check out the photo album on their website .

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