Monday, October 15, 2012

A veterinarian sculpture, a baby shower and a red shoulders hawk

I have been working on this portrait sculpture of my veterinarian.  I worked up these models to get the general feel I wanted in the piece.
I then took the model to the office and had the good doctor pose for me and took a number of photos from all angles.
I have worked up the basic figure leaving the hands for last as they will be worked with the puppy he is holding.
The pup.
This is the mother dog.  I am creating these in hard castilene clay.  I use a soldering iron to smooth the surface.  I will do the final sculpture in water clay, these will simply be models for the final piece.  I really like the design however and may do a mold and cast these in bronze.
The family just had a party for our newest addition to the family, my great niece Abbigail. My brother is so proud to be a grandfather.
This red shouldered hawk was on the fence behind my sister's house.

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