I am beginning to define the arm. The waist is still too high.
I have set the arm back under the stone and have begun defining the torso. As there is not a lot of width to the stone, she will have to be slightly twisted to fit.
I use an angle grinder to make cuts in the area where I want the stone removed. I knock out the strips with a hammer and chisel.
I grind the area that Demeter is holding back, coming down from her fingers to give the impression of cloth.
The waist and hip are better, and I'm getting the feeling I want, but Demeter's left arm is still too heavy and the armpit is far too low. It is also too close in around her head and needs to be carved back more.
I indicate with crayon the areas that need to be defined, and mark the folds of Demeter's clothing. I am also further refining the body, arms and face of Demeter, though she's still pretty chunky.
I use an angle grinder to carve the lines that I indicated with crayon, to define Demeter's body and the cloth-like area that represents the night.
The back of the left hand is too meaty and needs to be ground down more. I need to define the inside line of the arm. This, I will do with an angle grinder down the arm and a die grinder around the hand.
The right hand with crayon marks. A series of lines is a reminder that an area (in this case the back of the hand) is too high and needs to be ground down more. I carve the fingers and the hand, but I don't cut behind and define it yet. I may want to carve it further back. I'll live with it first.
I use a Makita die grinder with a diamond bit to shape the fingers, taking care to carve around the forms I want that are marked by black crayon.
I am beginning to block out the fingers of the right hand.
I finish the sculpture just to the edge of the raw stone, to emphasize the emerging form of Demeter and cloth-like folds representing the night she has parted. I use photos of myself, taken by Don, to further refine the arms, face and body. A pistol grip sander with 220 grit cloth is used to smooth out and subtly shape the drapery. I hand sand the entire carved surface with 80 grit paper. Handsanding gives a subtly that powertools can't match.
Demeter has been powerwashed to remove dust from the pores of the sculpture. Powerwashing can help me to see areas that need a little more work.
1 comment:
holy cow, this is awesome. when the average person looks at a sculpture, they're probably not thinking of all the careful subtraction that goes into it.
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