Sunday, September 13, 2009

Two Installations

We installed two sculptures from the Yew Dell show. First, Don's Vine bench.

Don has leveled areas for the legs and is now adjusting them

Don figuring how the top goes on the legs.

Final adjustments are made...

The bench installed
Next Miss Jessel will be installed. She's going into a beautiful garden.

This is a hanging sculpture in the garden, metal and glass, wondered what it would look like from underneath, so....

The easiest way to get Miss Jessel to her site - she is way in the back of the garden- is to take the truck through the
adjoining field and come through the gate at the back of the property.

Have to be careful about closing the gates as there are horses in the field. This guy wasn't too impressed with the big yellow truck in his field, guess he's seen it all before.

This photo reminds me of the Farside cartoon with the caption "When a body meets a body coming through the rye" Of course in this case, it's ornamental grass.

Moses, the resident collie, escorts Don to her site.

Final adjustments.

Miss Jessel in her new home.
And here are couple of flowers I saw that day..

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